Real People. Real Stories. Real Land.

Becky Bieze

Picture of Becky Bieze
I'm a small town farm girl raising four kids in the big city. Through music, art and lots of nature, I try to bring some country life to our Windy City home. When I'm not officiating arguments (or plucking kids off the walls), I love to practice the art of Frugal Finesse and find the best bargains Chicago has to offer!

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Childhood On A Farm

Childhood On A Farm

One of the best things about being a parent is being able to see life from a child’s perspective again. I have many memories from growing up on my...

Dirt Beneath My Nails

Dirt Beneath My Nails

Growing up as a farm girl in Wisconsin, I spent many summer hours in my father’s garden weeding. At the time, I saw it as a cruel form of abuse to...