
Real People. Real Stories. Real Land.

The Armadillos Have Arrived

The Armadillos Have Arrived

Armadillos have been appearing in new Southeastern states, such as the Carolinas, surprising many residents. In this article, humor writer Jim Mize...

From Princess to Gardener

From Princess to Gardener

Long-time gardener, grandpa, survival expert and great-grandpa, L. Woodrow Ross share his experience of the joy and wonder of teaching his...

How to Create An Epic Rural Backyard For Kids

How to Create An Epic Rural Backyard For Kids

You've finally got the big country yard you've always wanted for your growing what? A homesteading family of four shares how they...

Summertime Science Part 3: Building a DIY Terrarium

Summertime Science Part 3: Building a DIY Terrarium

In Part 3 of our Summer Science Series, outdoor mom Corey Hunt shares how to build a DIY Terrarium step-by-step with your kiddos at home.

Summertime Science Part 1: How To Build A Freshwater Aquarium

Summertime Science Part 1: How To Build A Freshwater Aquarium

Got kids at home this summer? Then you'll love this summertime science series by outdoor mom, Corey Hunt. In this first article, she shares how to...

Chasing the Aurora: How shared natural experiences remind us of the wonders of the world  and the universe

Chasing the Aurora: How shared natural experiences remind us of the wonders of the world — and the universe

Americans south of the Canadian border got a real treat this month: a chance to see the Aurora Borealis as far south as North Carolina, with even...

How to Choose the Best RV or Camper

How to Choose the Best RV or Camper

Ignore the marketing hype and get real about why you want an RV/camper before you start shopping.

Embrace the Garden Mess: The HowTos and Benefits of NoTill Gardening

Embrace the Garden Mess: The How-Tos and Benefits of No-Till Gardening

As spring sets in, gardeners everywhere begin to get the itch to go outside to till the garden. But before you crank up the tiller, allow us and a...

3 MultiFunctional Trees and Shrubs To Plant This Spring

3 Multi-Functional Trees and Shrubs To Plant This Spring

Are you considering adding trees or shrubs to your rural land this spring? Check out these 5+ beautiful multi-functional trees, shrubs and plants...

6 Tips for Celebrating Earth Day By Reducing Plastic On the Homestead

6 Tips for Celebrating Earth Day By Reducing Plastic On the Homestead

Happy Earth Day 2024! This year, we’re celebrating Earth Day’s theme, Planet vs. Plastics, with a few tips for reducing plastic waste on the...