When uncontrolled fires occur, it can be easy to forget the benefits of fire on land and how it has changed landscapes for the better. Woodrow Ross...
L. Woodrow Ross
L. Woodrow Ross lives in upstate South Carolina with his lovely wife Margaret. He has written more than 500 newspaper articles, contributed to Rethink Rural, Carolina Sportsman, Primitive Archer, Palmetto Gills and Game, Rivers and Feathers and other online resources. In addition, he has 41 books on Amazon Kindle: "how-to" outdoor books, historical novels, suspense novels, a suspense novella, an Alaska travel guide, Greater Yellowstone destination guide and more. A 42nd book is in work and focuses on the “Dark Corner of South Carolina and the rampant, illegal “Moonshining” and “Bootlegging” activity of the nineteenth century. Ross is also a primitive/ survival skills instructor enjoying most things involving outdoor sports.
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As a hunter and nature lover, L. Woodrow Ross has become passionate about attracting, feeding and enjoying wild birds. He offers tips on choosing...
Survival expert L. Woodrow Ross explains how to make tools from recycled scrap metal and natural materials.
How do you start a fire and get clean water without modern tools? An expert explains the essential basics of primitive camping.