Photo Essay:  The Bus, Photographer Eric Gibbons

Photo Essay: The Bus, Photographer Eric Gibbons

Posted by Eric Gibbons on September 3, 2015


The Bus, Photographer Eric Gibbons

"My sneakers were always muddy.

It was my special secret.

Walking to the bus in the dirt, the dust, and sometimes the mud.

The shadows of trees, listening to the birds, the quiet while I waited.

My fondest memories come from life on a dirt road."


Artist Statement:

I caught glimpses of a local school bus making it's way along rural Saint Helena Island's historic Avenue of Oaks. 

The institutional school bus yellow surrounded by dusty dirt road and majestic live oak trees appeared antiquated, despite being a decade into the new millennium. 

The journey home for school children on a big yellow bus was happening just as it always had.  

My goal was to capture this classic scene in a black and white photograph that left the viewer wondering what decade it was taken in.--Eric Gibbons

Eric Gibbons

Posts by Eric Gibbons

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