Real People. Real Stories. Real Land.

Dirt Beneath My Nails

Dirt Beneath My Nails

Growing up as a farm girl in Wisconsin, I spent many summer hours in my father’s garden weeding. At the time, I saw it as a cruel form of abuse to...

Photo Essay:  The Bus, Photographer Eric Gibbons

Photo Essay: The Bus, Photographer Eric Gibbons

5 Ways Rural Living Builds Healthier Kids

5 Ways Rural Living Builds Healthier Kids

We hear a lot about adults moving to the country to escape from the stress and grind of city life, but recent studies are showing stress is taking a...

Join the CSA Movement

Join the CSA Movement

Have you ever secretly wanted to ride a tractor?

Goodbye city, hello country!  Rethink Rural Blog

Goodbye city, hello country! | Rethink Rural Blog

Burton Ouzts grew up in the big city of Dallas, Texas, where celebrity-owned restaurants, fast-moving freeways and high-fashion shopping malls rule.