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Real People. Real Stories. Real Land.

The Cider Farm: How This Wisconsin Farmer Grows Apples Suited for Hard Cider

The Cider Farm: How This Wisconsin Farmer Grows Apples Suited for Hard Cider

The Birminghams set out to start an organic farm business...and wound up grafting, growing and brewing some of the best organic, traditional hard...

Tips To Simplify Your Fishing So You'll Fish More Often

Tips To Simplify Your Fishing So You'll Fish More Often

Wouldn't it be amazing to have the time to cast a line while on your way to the grocery store, the bank or even to pick up the kids? Rural life...

Running Rural: 3 Basic Safety Tips for Country Routes

Running Rural: 3 Basic Safety Tips for Country Routes

Once you start running on country roads, forested trails and other wide open spaces you'll never want to go back to the gym! However, there are...

How to Transition Your Garden to Perennials this Fall

How to Transition Your Garden to Perennials this Fall

Do you spend big dollars every spring and fall to purchase new bedding plants for your flower beds? If so, you might find that transitioning to...

When to Repair, Replace or Recycle Your Farm/Garden Tools

When to Repair, Replace or Recycle Your Farm/Garden Tools

In our modern “cast-aside” society, we often see items discarded that are easily repairable or recyclable. We need look no further than our recent...

5 Ways to Preserve Basil

5 Ways to Preserve Basil

Basil is one of those plants that just loves our hot, sticky, southern summers. And that means most of us wind up with far more than we can...

Lightning Safety Tips

Lightning Safety Tips

Late summer is prime thunderstorm season here in the South. Whether you're hiking, boating, fishing, farming, or hunting an ounce of prevention is...

Mistakes Animals Make

Mistakes Animals Make

Our impressions of wildlife often picture these creatures dashing through the woods with grace and agility. Deer leap over fences with the style of...

Farm Dogs: Introducing your pup to life on the farm

Farm Dogs: Introducing your pup to life on the farm

Some would say life on a farm is not complete without a trusted farm dog. But, training a dog to be comfortable around tractors, livestock, wide open...

12 Things To Look For In A Homesteading Property

12 Things To Look For In A Homesteading Property

If recent events have you seriously considering finally moving to the country and starting a homestead/hobby farm, you probably have a lot of...