Owning wooded acreage affords the opportunity to select and chop your own firewood...either for your own home or as a side business. Forester and...
Fall in the south is a special time. We enjoy the last blooms of the beautiful flowers and watch in awe as the leaves show the first hint of color...
New to owning rural acreage, farm animals, lots of trees, a well, and/or barns and out buildings? Even inland dwellers need to prepare for severe...
Some land buyers shy away from wooded lots because of the work or unknowns involved with clearing. However, the value in forests can lead to an...
Have you noticed your eyesight isn’t as good as it used to be? If so, you’re not alone. According to a recent study published in JAMA Ophthalmology[1]
Wildlife cameras, also known as "trail cams", are an excellent tool to help you learn more about the wildlife that share your rural land. Whether...
As if running a small business weren’t challenging enough, locating one in a remote area adds a degree of complexity.
Hunting wild edible plants can be as rewarding as hunting for wild animals. Plus, wild plants are healthy additions to your diet; they’re...
Itching to get your kids off their screens and into the great outdoors? Outdoorswoman and mother-of-two, Corey Hunt, shares her advice on how to...